AI and The Consumers Economy …

I see a lot of #investmentmoney going into #AI implying it is going to be #thenextbigthing . If their projections are correct and there is a big boost to productivity and efficiency, some workers may be replaced. I guess that is good for the companies that can save in labor costs, but with that comes the loss of purchasing power to buy the very same goods or services these companies produce now even more efficiently with #AI. Think about it, a #ConsumersEconomy is nothing without the consumers and their ability to work and get paid so they can buy more and get stuff on credit and subscribe to services … To me It sounds like a fish eating its own tail … But anyway, what I have seen so far about AI is akin to #refriedbeans and I mean by this, just a compound of everything that can already be found on search engines, nicely put together and in apparently coherent sentences. What I havenĀ“t seen from #AI is any #criticalthinking, #innovativesolutions or #creativethought, and so far that seems to be the realm of the #humanmind, but we will see, technology changes fast and perhaps they are going to convince us that #AI is sentient and that it loves us … In any way, #AI is only as powerful as we want it to be, meaning, if we start using it for menial tasks, surely, we will become dependent on it and we will have to pay, directly or inderectly, for the things that we were already doing, like #realestate #listingsdescriptions , #lol , have you seem them lately? If #LewisCarroll were a salesperson…